Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

Collaborations within Inria

  • REO (A. Gloria)

  • COFFEE (E. Creusé and C. Calgaro)

  • POEMS (C. Besse and I. Lacroix-Violet)

  • CORIDA (C. Besse)

  • IPSO (C. Besse)


ANR IODISSEE (2009-2013)

Participants : Christophe Besse, Pauline Lafitte.

C. Besse has obtained a 4-years ANR grant, from the Cosinus proposal, for the project IODISSEE. P. Lafitte and C. Yang, also members of the EPI Simpaf, are involved in this project. The project IODISSEE also involves a team of mathematicians from Toulouse, a physicist team from Versailles and the Thales group. It deals with the elaboration of a physical model for helping the industrial partner for the new generation of Galileo satellites. For the last decade, satellite positioning devices became one of the most interesting means of navigation for the displacement of the goods and the people. The only current solution is based on the constellation of satellites Navstar GPS American system. Originally developed for military applications, its use was released under the Clinton administration. However, in order to guarantee its autonomy, Europe decided to launch a competitor program known as Galileo. Galileo system differs from the GPS thanks to its capability to provide real time integrity information to the user. In order to guarantee the stability of this system, it is fundamental to take into account the various problems which can affect the mission and to identify all the potential sources of system unavailability. One of the main source of data unavailability that has been identified is the phenomena of ionospheric scintillations. Indeed scintillation causes radio frequency signal amplitude fades and phase variations as satellite signals pass through the ionosphere. Such effects may induce loss of lock or cycle slips on ranging signals broadcast by Galileo satellites making them totally useless for accurate integrity information determination. Scintillations are clearly identified like a source of disturbances. They appear as the turbulent aspect of a larger disturbance of the ionospheric plasma density which have the shape of a plasma bubble. The difficulty of their modelling is due to the lacks of in situ measurements with regard to them. However, some measurements recently acquired during the mission of satellite DEMETER make possible on the one hand the validation of the models existing but also, using techniques of data-models coupling, to reinforce them. The object of this proposal is therefore to provide a physical model making it possible to anticipate the attenuation of the signals during their propagation within the disturbed Earth ionosphere.

ANR AMAM (2011-2014)

Participant : Antoine Gloria.

A. Gloria is involved in the 4-year ANR project “young researcher” AMAM, led by V. Millot (Paris 7). The aim of the project is to develop mathematical tools for the analysis of multiscale problems in material sciences (PDEs and variational methods). The fields of interest are primarily micromagnetics, dislocations, fatigue in nonlinear elasticity, and homogenization.

ANR STAB (2013-2017)

Participant : Pauline Lafitte.

STAB : Most of the natural time-evolving systems that one encounters in Physics, Biology, Economics..., can be described by means of evolution equations, or systems of such equations. These equations may include randomness or not. During the last decade, a lot of progress has been made in the understanding of the stabilization of these dynamics, i.e. their convergence to equilibrium. In particular the picture of the qualitative description of the rate of convergence is now almost complete for symmetric models (reversible dynamics). However, the non-reversible setting is still unsufficiently understood. One of the most fascinating features of this research area is the strong intricacy between the analysis of partial differential equations and stochastic methods, each approach enlightening the other one. The main goal of this project is to go further, developing tractable and efficient tools, in particular for numerical schemes and algorithms, based on the computation of explicit theoretical bounds. Hence, even if part of the project is devoted to the theoretical study of non-reversible or highly degenerate situations (we typically have to face kinetic or reaction-diffusion models for example), the heart of the project will include discretization schemes, approximating particle systems and concrete simulation situations (including boundary conditions). This concerns the stability of the discretization or numerical methods. The acronym STAB covers both aspects: stabilization and stability. Indeed, sensitivity to small perturbations (or to boundary conditions) is the first definition of large time stability for numerical schemes. The head of the project is I. Gentil (Univ. Lyon1).

ANR BECASIM(2013-2017)

Participants : Christophe Besse, Guillaume Dujardin, Ingrid Lacroix-Violet.

C. Besse, G. Dujardin, and I. Lacroix-Violet are members of the new 4-years ANR "Modèles Numériques" project BECASIM. C. Besse is the Toulouse-node coordinator and I. Lacroix-Violet the Lille-node one. The scientific subject deals with mathematical modelling, numerical analysis and simulation of Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC). The goal of this ANR project is to : (i) develop new high-order numerical methods; (ii) develop an integrated and resilient open-source HPC software; (iii) apply these codes to numerically reproduce realistic physical configurations that are not possible to simulate with presently existing software.

Competitivity Clusters

LABEX Centre Européen pour les Mathématiques, la Physique et leurs Interactions – CEMPI (2012-2019)

The “Laboratoire d'Excellence” CEMPI was created by the French government within the framework of its “Projets d'Investissement d'Avenir” program, in February 2012. It is a joint venture of the Laboratoire Paul Painlevé (mathematics) and the Laboratoire Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molecules (PhLAM). Several members of CEMPI participate actively in the CEMPI research and training project, notably through the focus area “The interaction of mathematics and physics”. The corresponding research is described in Sections 3.2.3 and 3.4 .